Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leading cloud services provider and offers an extensive collection of services that appeal to businesses, hobbyists, professionals, and students due to its scalability, costs, availability, flexibility, and much more. In recent times, the breaches on AWS have been reported to expose several different types of vulnerabilities like S3 bucket, misconfiguration, and compromised AWS environments. There are specific methods for investigating the vulnerabilities and attack strategies relevant to AWS Cloud, requiring specialised knowledge and skills. In this section, we will explain the dire need for AWS pen testing among organisations that are seeking to improve their security and reduce the likelihood of breaches.
Check for more: Essential Guide to AWS Penetration Testing
Validating the AWS security implementation in the cloud forms a comprehensive and flexible security plan. Due to the nature of AWS environment, AWS themselves encourage organisations to conduct penetration test of their applications, instances, and the underlying operating systems. Hence, organisations should partner with businesses that are familiar with the program and the rules that govern it. This is a critical success factor for the organisation when considering an engagement.
AWS offers a plethora of services, and requires skilled professionals to successfully design, develop and implement in both a functional and secure manner, and the same goes for assessing the security of an AWS hosted platform. Conducting penetration testing in traditional security infrastructure is significantly different to that of an AWS environment. The primary difference is system ownership. Amazon owns the core infrastructure of AWS. Hence, the methodologies used in AWS environment vary from those of traditional infrastructure penetration testing.
Top 5 vulnerabilities to test in AWS environment
Prior to partnering with a penetration testing provider, ensure their understanding of your business deliverables and operations is clear. Also, make sure their approach to identify risks directly correlates to your business.
As of March 2019, Amazon altered their penetration testing policy. Previously any testing of AWS required formal approval; but now, most AWS security assessments can be performed without formal permissions. Amazon provides a set of guidelines to follow when performing security assessments. The approach detailed below could be followed before starting a testing engagement
AWS environment is quite complex and securing data in the cloud can be challenging. Penetration testing is an essential step for maintaining compliance and reducing your attack footprint. As part of your overall cloud strategy, be sure to make penetration testing a priority and work with a partner that has the necessary skills and knowledge.
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